
AT&T Coverage Map Helmet Video

We need to hire this guy ASAP!   This is one of the funniest videos we have ever seen making fun of the marketing departments for both AT&T and Verizon.  This is a brilliant way to exacerbate the feud going on between Verizon and AT&T in regards to mapping coverage.  This brilliant person had the creativity to make his own coverage map helmet that shows AT&T's coverage nationwide and went into stores trying to find a phone that could get him coverage in rural areas.

He enters an AT&T store to get some assistance and then goes into a Verizon store where he is greeted to a bunch of humorous talk from employees who drink the "coo-laid".  Kudos to him as he definitely managed to stir up some attention as he even walked around to a local movie theater where people complimented him and honked in support. He was so cool almost like Will Farrel and did a wonderful job in keeping his composure when questioned about the idea.  In the end, he was unable to find the provider or phone that he was looking for.

Here is the commercial that he is clowning.