
Why iPad is Losing WiFi Connection

Turn Off iPad Notifications to Fix Wi-Fi Problem 

Why does your iPad constantly lose your WiFi connection? If you are experiencing this problem you probably are visiting the Settings / WiFi / Renew Lease button often to refresh your IP address.  This often solves the problem for a short time but if you are a heavy app user the problem continually resurfaces during sessions.  We originally posted a solution on how to fix the iPad WiFi problem but this solution did not last long.  

I narrowed my search down to one app that seemed to be causing all of the trouble.  Words With Friends, unfortunately, is pinging the network too often and the iPad or the WiFi network seems to get kicked off.  It's very annoying but now the iPad works fine but requires me to check for game updates and moves manually.  This is much better than having to constantly renew the lease on the WiFi.  

Words With Friends App