Handy Tools for Your iPhone That You May Not Know About

Whether you’ve been an avid iPhone user for years or just recently switched over from Android, you might be still figuring out how to make the most of your new, or old, smartphone.

To help you out, we have gathered a few handy tools that you may not know of to help you make the most out of your iPhone. 

Keyboard trackpad

Anyone moving over from an Android phone knows how annoying the cursor on the iPhone can be. Your fingers can never move the cursor just right to delete the letters you want. Similar to using a laptop or a PC, you can now use a trackpad on your iPhone to position the cursor to where you want it. When you open up your keyboard, tap the spacebar and hold, this clears the letters and turns your keyboard into a virtual trackpad. With your finger, swipe to move the cursor anywhere you want to start typing. 

Locate your iPhone

Apple has included this feature a long time ago to help users locate their iPhones. The application is connected to your iCloud account. This tool will come in handy if you misplace your phone, or if it simply gets stolen. You are able to remotely connect to your phone wherever it is. To learn how to turn it on, a simple online search on how to use find my iPhone feature will give you the detailed steps. This tool facilitates the option of locating your phone by tracking its location from another device and it also gives you options to block people from accessing your personal information. 


While not everyone needs to use a leveler, it is a handy tool to have around. This built-in iOS app has leveling and measuring capabilities. Use this tool to measure surface distance or measure angles around your house. Most people use it to make sure their paintings and mirrors are straight and not tilted. It is not the most precise measurement tool, but it does the trick when you need a quick leveling tool. 

Smart do not disturb mode

All phones today come with a Do Not Disturb (DND) mode that silences incoming calls and notifications. However, the iPhone’s DND mode is just a little bit smarter. Generally, it works by manually turning it on and off. The added value with Apple is that you can activate it by pressing a long tap and setting it to a timer. This timer is activated by leaving the location you are currently in or if the calendar event time ends. 

Hands off feature

The iOS 13 comes with a very smart Handoff feature. This feature connects your iOS devices together which allows you to start a task on one device and pick it up on the next. Let’s say you start writing a document on your phone, as you approach your MacBook or iPad it syncs it to that device and you can pick up your document from the bottom left-hand side of your dock.  

Text shortcuts

For people who type fast and those who tend to make a lot of spelling mistakes, the iPhone allows you to create your own word replacement dictionary. This means you can create shortcuts that are auto typed into words, which cuts a lot of your typing time. For example, you can add “gtg” into the dictionary, and when you type it out, it automatically translates it into “Got to go”. By creating a shortcut made up of a combination of letters and symbols to represent any word that you want. You now have created your own shortcut dictionary, enjoy!

Three-finger zoom

While this feature is disabled by default on the iPhone, you can actually turn it one and make your life much simpler. The three fingers zoom tool helps you zoom on to the screen when you double-tap using three fingers. You simply turn on the feature from your settings menu. You can add the option of showing the controller, a nifty magnifying tool, so while you are navigating your pages you can easily move around the zoomed-in page.

Undo typing mistakes in calculator

This is no doubt the handiest tool, or rather trick, in this list. Everyone knows the frustration of using the iPhone’s built-in calculator. Having to press AC to clear all the calculations you entered because of a typing mistake is agonizing at times. Those days are gone, by swiping on the number screen to the left, you delete the last digit you typed. Problem solved. 

The iPhone has many useful built-in features that make it a very convenient smartphone for many people. By incorporating the above handy tools, you can optimize your iPhone even more for your everyday use, customizing your experience and making it a lot more efficient and fun.

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